

Indiana State University recognizes that students may choose to identify themselves within the college community with a chosen first name that differs from their legal first name. 学生 can update their chosen name, pronoun, and gender designation via the MyISU门户. Below you will find more information on this process and the impact these changes may have on your University record.



法定名称- The name an individual uses for official governmental documents, 比如许可证, 护照, 还有纳税表格.

〇选择名称 Indiana State University recognizes that members of our community prefer to use names other than their legal names to identify themselves.




学生 who have had their legal names changed by the appropriate government entities shall inform the University of this change by completing and submitting the 更改姓名/性别表格 书记官长办公室. Please refer to the form for acceptable documentation.



学生 may change their chosen first name by going into the MyISU门户. The person's chosen name may be used in University communications and informational materials except where the use of the legal name is required by University business or legal need. 不是所有的大学信息系统, 数据库, and processes may be able to display a chosen name, and many uses require display of the legal name; therefore, individuals who utilize a chosen name within University systems should always be prepared to reference their legal name and provide corresponding identifications when necessary.

The student’s last name will remain unchanged and will be included with the chosen first name. Chosen first names are limited to alphabetical characters, a hyphen (-) and a space. Indiana State University will not accept a chosen name that is vulgar, 进攻, 淫秽, 稀奇的, or creates confusion of the individual with another individual. The use of a chosen name cannot be used for the purpose of misrepresentation. The University 注册商 will determine if a student’s chosen name is appropriate under these criteria.




  • 在线目录 
  • Canvas 
  • 类花名册 
  • Commencement Programs / Reader card at commencement ceremony 
  • 进行记录
  • 优秀学生名单
  • 文凭*
  • 指导教师名单 
  • 学生证(非合法身份证件) 
  • MySam
  • 录取通知书 
  • 财政援助沟通 
  • 计费记录及通讯 
  • 官方成绩单 
  • 注册验证 
  • 全国学生信息交流中心 
  • 税收文件 
  • 医疗文档 
  • 移民文件 
  • 工资支票和工资单 
  • Some official forms or correspondence from the University such as financial aid awards, 居住合同, 部门或项目通知, 新聘表格, 等. 
  • 海外教育(1).e. 旅行证件、签字文件) 
  • 时间输入系统(克罗诺斯) 
  • 学生退款和报销 

* If a student is needing their diploma notarized for any reason, 学历证书上必须印有法定姓名.



学生 may add a gender designation by going into the MyISU门户. If you decide to share your gender designation in MyISU, this will be included along with other information provided to University employees.

The person's gender designation may be used in University communications and informational materials except where the use of the legal sex is required by University business or legal need. 不是所有的大学信息系统, 数据库, and processes may be able to store or display a separate gender designation, and there may be uses that require display of the legal sex; therefore, individuals who utilized a gender designation within University systems should always be prepared to reference their legal sex as well and to provide corresponding identification when necessary.



学生 may add pronouns by going into the MyISU门户. If you decide to share your pronouns in MyISU, this will be included along with other information provided to University employees. Please note: not all University information systems, 数据库, and processes may be able to store or display pronouns.






  • 男性

ISU要求报告, and to avoid even appearance of identity fraud, this must match current government designation.


  • 男性/人
  • 女性身上
  • Genderqueer
  • 性别流体
  • 非二进制
  • 日期
  • 反式
  • 个精神
  • 这些选择不适用于我
  • 宁愿不说
  • 其他



  • 他/他/他的
  • 她/她/她的
  • 他们/他们/他们的
  • Ze/Zir/Zirs或者Ze/Hir/Hirs
  • 我使用多个代词
  • 就用我的名字
  • 其他
  • 任何
  • 这些选择不适用于我
  • 宁愿不说

Term used as stand-in for name in conversation and correspondence.


  • 什么是合法的名字?
    • The name an individual uses for official governmental documents, 比如许可证, 护照, 还有纳税表格.
  • 我如何更改我的法定名称?
  • 选择的名字是什么?
    • It is the name an individual would like to be called while associated with Indiana State University.
  • 学生如何改变他们选择的名字?
    • 登录MyISU门户
    • 选择学生自助服务
    • 选择Additional 资源选项卡
    • 选择个人资料
    • 选择我的个人资料-更新地址,电话....
    • 选择右边的Edit按钮
    • 添加您选择的名称
  • How do I get my chosen name on my ISU ID card?
    • 学生 can go to the public safety office and request a replacement ID card with their chosen name printed on the card. 更换费是15美元.00. Please note if a chosen name is used on the ISU ID card it cannot be used for voting purposes.
  • 我一定要用自己选择的名字吗?
    • No. 使用选定的名称是可选的.
  • What name will appear on the student’s diploma?
    • Chosen Name- If a student is needing their diploma notarized for any reason, 学历证书上必须印有法定姓名.
  • What happens to my email address when I update my chosen name?
    • When a student updates their name the display name will update within 24 hours without any additional intervention from the student. This display name is how the name associated with that email address shows for others when searching, 发送, 接收邮件. If the student would like to have their sycamores email address changed, please send an email to registrar@hhvp.net. We will confirm to the student when this has been updated.
  • Whom do I contact if I have additional questions?
    • For additional questions, contact the Office of the 注册商: 812-237-2020 or registrar@hhvp.net