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Nonprofit Leadership Program 

Indiana State University has opportunities available for undergraduate and graduate students wanting to launch a meaningful and financially rewarding career in the nonprofit sector through its nationally award-winning Nonprofit Leadership Program:

  • Won the 2017-2018 Nonprofit Leadership Alliance-Mutual of America Nonprofit Partner of the Year Award due to community engagement and service-learning partnership with the YMCAs of the Wabash Valley
  • Won the 2014-2015 Nonprofit Leadership Alliance-Mutual of America Nonprofit Partner of the Year Award due to community engagement and service-learning partnership with the Wabash Valley District, Crossroads of America Council, and Boy Scouts of America.  
  • Won the 2012-2013 Nonprofit Leadership Alliance-Sprint Campus Partner of the Year Award
  • Won the 2008-2009 American Humanics National Outstanding Student Recruitment Benchmark Award. 

Employment Opportunities

The nonprofit sector is full of employment opportunities in the areas of program development & evaluation, fundraising, finance & accounting, volunteer engagement, human resource management, communication, marketing & public relations, new media & technology, leadership & advocacy, among other areas.

In short, for EVERY MAJOR, there is related, good paying, benefits eligible jobs available! For example, a construction management major can serve as an executive director in a labor union, or an accounting major can work in a credit union, or a marketing major can work in an evironmental organization, or a public relations major can work in a medical-related nonprofit organization!

The Nonprofit Leadership Program strives to strengthen the social sector with a talented and prepared workforce. The Nonprofit Leadership Program offerings are innovative courses of study that prepares students for disciplinary-based careers in all nonprofit subsectors:

An additional benefir to working in the nonprofit sector is the opportunity to get Student Loan Forgiveness or to have years taken off your student loan debt. 

Academic Opportunities 

The Nonprofit Leadership Program encompasses opportunities for graduate students, undergraduates online, and our traditional opportunities for undergraduates on campus: 

Become a Certified Nonprofit Professional 

Students completing the Nonprofit Leadership Program may become certified as a Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) by the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance. The CNP credential and Indiana State University's Nonprofit Leadership Program are based on a nationally validated set of learning outcomes and competencies developed by executives in the nonprofit sector, which have achieved proven results. We are teaching the skills employers want and the Alliance provides resources to Certified Nonprofit Professionals across their entire careers through the Association of CNPs

Completion of graduate or undergraduate curricula in the Nonprofit Leadership Program may lead to the Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) credential from the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (NLA) by completing additional co-curricular and professional development requirements, as well as by paying additional fees to NLA and passing the NLA National Certified Exam.

  • Earn the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance - Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) credential via the Legacy Campus Track with the Nonprofit Leadership Minor. 
  • Earn the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance - Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) credential via the Service Organization Track with the Center for Community Engagement's Alpha Phi Omega - Beta Lamda Chapter.


Community Engagement, Service-Learning, & Career Readiness 

The Nonprofit Leadership Program facilitates student development through the community engagement and service learning, as well as empowers students to find a job that matters, which is aligned with Indiana State's focus on career readiness! 

The Nonprofit Leadership Program has longstanding collaborative relationships with campus and community partners that enhance the program experience for students and better prepare them for a career or leadership roles in the nonprofit sector focusing on career readiness with the ISU Career Center and experiential learning through the ISU Center for Community Engagement and the ISU Foundation/Division of Institutional Advancement. 

Want to speak with the Program Coordinator & Academic Advisor? 

For more information about the Nonprofit Leadership Program or to schedule an on-campus or Zoom appointment for academic advisement, please contact: 

Dr. Nathan Schaumleffel, CPRP, CNP, CFRM, CVA, CYSA

Associate Professor, Program Coordinator, & Academic Advisor 

Nonprofit Leadership Program 
