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Graduate Faculty



Farhad Bahram, M.F.A. |俄勒冈大学,2015
吉勒姆大厅| (812)237-3298

Bahram is a Chicago based artist and educator in the field of new media studies, performance art, 社会实践. Born in Iran, a society with stringent regulatory control over all types of communication, Bahram developed a keen interest in understanding how the performance of individual actions could affect the outcome of our social encounters. Many of his works question the function of viewership and the subjective mechanism of our interactions with those around us.

Bahram曾在国内和国际上展出, 他的创造性作品在 Art PracticalPBS News HourVoice of America圣达菲新墨西哥号IranWireEugene Weekly,论坛星报, among others. His practice and research have been supported by grants and awards from the Tokyo Foundation for International Research, 密歇根大学的研究办公室, bc菠菜导航艺术捐赠委员会, 俄勒冈大学福特校友中心, 和摄影教育协会. 他最近关于数字叙事的论文发表在 讲故事,自我,社会 journal. He received his MFA from the University of Oregon and currently works as an Assistant Professor of Digital Media Production at bc菠菜导航 since 2019.



达琳·汉齐斯博士.D. |路易斯安那州立大学
吉勒姆馆326 | (812)237-3658



马林达·约翰逊博士.D. |威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校,2012
吉勒姆展厅354 | (812)237-3778

Dr. Malynnda Johnson is an assistant professor and the current Chair of the Graduate Faculty Committee. 2012年,她完成了博士学位.D. 毕业于威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校. Dr. Johnson loves to research taboo topics and engage in difficult conversations. 她的大部分职业生涯都在研究性健康, 性传播感染和艾滋病毒预防, 以及我们在媒体上谈论性的方式. 2017年秋天,她的第一本书 电视上的艾滋病毒:流行文化的流行病 hit the shelves. 作为一个自称书呆子的人, she has also found ways to merge her love for Sherlock Holmes and research by writing about the connections between Holmes and other portrayals of autism in the media in a chapter of her second book Normalizing Mental Illness and Neurodiversity in Entertainment Media: Quieting the Madness.  Currently, Dr. 约翰逊正在着手进行两个新的研究领域. The first is the examination of the benefits and dangers of mixing health and comedy in the media. The second being a critical analysis of how media shapes the perceptions of prevention (i.e. 避孕套和口罩/面罩). 作为一名混合研究方法的研究人员. Johnson welcomes the opportunity to work with students interested in all thing’s health.



Hyosun Kim, Ph. D. | University of N. Carolina, 2005
Gillum 352 | (812) 237-2797

Hyosun Kim is an assistant professor of communication in the 传播系 at bc菠菜导航. Kim’s Ph.D. 是大众传播, 来自北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校, 在广告和媒体效果领域. Her research is in the intersection of marketing communication and communication technology, which explores the impacts and challenges of technology in marketing communication. Kim的研究兴趣包括社交媒体, 企业社会责任, 以及处方药的直接消费者广告. Specifically, her recent research focuses on endorser effects of social media influencers and their impact on consumers’ decision-making and persuasion knowledge. She published her research in the International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 《国际战略传播杂志, 和互动广告杂志. Kim teaches PR courses and social media in both undergraduate and graduate levels at ISU. 在加入ISU之前, she was a tenure-track assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.



Shana C. Kopaczewski, Ph.D. |爱荷华大学
Specializations: Interpersonal communication and media criticism
吉勒姆展厅353 | (812)237-3220

Dr. Shana Kopaczewski is Chair and Associate Professor in the Communication Department at bc菠菜导航.  She holds a PhD in Interpersonal/Relational Communication from the University of Iowa. Her current research centers mainly on intersections between interpersonal communication and new media, 尤其是网上约会, 耻辱的沟通, 以及网络环境中身体的话语. Recent publications have examined the perception of credibility in online dating profiles and how the expression of identity in online dating is discursively controlled and policed by other online daters. Dr. Kopaczewski is also actively engaged in faculty governance and committed to developing course-based international travel opportunities for ISU students through her work building and maintaining strategic relationships with faculty partners at the University of Zagreb in Croatia.



Natasha Rascon, Ph.D. |美国新墨西哥大学 
Specializations: Conflict management, health communication, and interpersonal communication 
吉勒姆馆316 | (812)237-4577

Dr. Natasha Rascon is a passionate educator that enjoys inviting others to genuine conversations that lead to understanding and growth.  拉斯康研究了通信的各个领域, 包括组织沟通, 跨文化沟通, the intersection of interpersonal and health communication, 冲突管理.  Rascon encourages civic engagement and includes service learning in her classrooms.  She also serves as the College Challenge Liaison for the Department and the faculty advisor for Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication Association's National Honor Society.  Across campus, Rascon serves on the commencement speaker selection committee, 作为毕业典礼演讲教练, on the advisory board for the Accessibility Resource Office, 也是凯瑟姆营地的顾问委员会成员.  Her research utilizes the Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) and ComComplex for practical impact.  她曾与卫生保健团队合作, 志愿消防队员, 和社区成员加强对自闭症的认识.  Rascon is also an active member of the National Communication Association and presents each year at the convention.  If you enjoy applied, practical research, Rascon would enjoy assisting in your pursuit!



Haijing Tu, Ph.D. |马萨诸塞大学,阿默斯特,2009
Specializations: Research methods, social network analysis, and digital media production
吉勒姆展厅317 | (812)237-4610

Dr. Haijing Tu is an associate professor at bc菠菜导航. 她获得了博士学位.D. 2009年从马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校毕业. Her research interests are in the areas of media technology, network analysis, and audience analysis. Her teaching efforts are currently focusing on multimedia production and research methods. 她的出版物被收录在诸如 跨文化交际研究国际学生学报, and 宾州通讯年度. 在加入ISU之前, she gained valuable teaching experiences at Lynn University and Utah Valley University during the time between January 2012 and August 2013.



Richard C. Vincent, Ph.D. |马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校
Specialization: International communication and mass media
吉勒姆馆328 | (812)237-3246