



棕色的隐士(Loxosceles reclusa) can be found in almost any county in the southern half of Indiana and becomes less common as you travel north. 在俄亥俄州, the 布朗的隐士。 is found in the southwest portion of the state and becomes less common as you travel north and east.  寒冷的冬季天气限制了隐居者在北方野外的分布, but some populations accidentally transported outside the natural range may persist in climate-controlled buildings.  一种引进的隐蛛,地中海隐蛛(Loxosceles rufescens), has been documented in both Indiana and Ohio but little is known about its distribution in the bi-state region.  The 布朗的隐士。 and 地中海的隐士。 look almost identical differing at the microscopic level.  


在红色阴影区域之外很少能找到隐士. Such encounters should not be interpreted as a broadening of the species typical range.  地图由Dr. 理查德检查者


The most common means of identification of 布朗的隐士。s is to look for the “violin” pattern on the spiders back (cephalothorax).  这个方法, 虽然在识别上很有用, is not fool-proof because many other species of spiders found in Indiana and Ohio homes have markings on their backs.  以下是识别棕色隐士的一些建议: 



眼睛的安排-棕色隐士有 6只眼睛排成三对或成对. This feature can easily be seen with a good magnifying glass, hand lens, or dissecting microscope. 




棕色隐士是一种具有医学意义的蜘蛛.  在极少数情况下,它的咬伤会造成严重的组织损伤.  A better understanding of the distribution of the 布朗的隐士。 in Indiana and Ohio can assist the medical community, 防治虫鼠界, and the general public in avoiding misidentifications and misdiagnoses which could delay proper treatment for other medical conditions.  Dramatized photos and dubious stories on the internet have elevated public concern about 布朗的隐士。s leading the general public to believe the spider occurs throughout the United States. 


In order to better understand where 布朗的隐士。 are found in Indiana and Ohio then please send me your spiders!  If you suspect you have 布朗的隐士。 please send me a specimen for verification.  Compare suspected recluses to the photos provided on this web page to rule out other species.  印第安纳州和俄亥俄州任何地方的蜘蛛都可以接受.  任何有兴趣的人,请把你的蜘蛛寄来鉴定.


这是在WEB上找到的!  Brown recluses do not spin a web to catch prey; they spin silk retreats, 但不要形成典型的可识别的网.
它真的很大!  蜘蛛的身体主要由两部分组成.  隐士的身体,不包括腿,比一角硬币还小.
它真的毛茸茸的!  棕色隐士只有非常细的毛发,肉眼看不见.
4)跳跃!  跳蜘蛛是名副其实的, 其他一些蜘蛛,包括狼蛛,偶尔也会跳起来, 但隐士却不是.
它有肉眼可见的明显标记, 比如条纹, 钻石, 锯齿状, 点, 等. 这很容易看到!  “小提琴”很小,位于身体的前半部分.  小提琴的声音在一些蜘蛛身上也看不清,尤其是小蜘蛛.  它们看起来真的很沉闷.

Common spiders found in and around homes that are often mistaken for 布朗的隐士。s:


地窖蜘蛛(Pholcus phalangioides)          






Pisaurina米拉  钓鱼的蜘蛛


囊蜘蛛, Cheiracanthium  

Trachelas tranquillus.jpg

Trachelas tranquillus


狼蛛 Rabidosa rabida


狼蛛, Tigrosa aspersa


免责声明: bc菠菜导航 and Ohio State University assumes no responsibility for any injuries sustained by individuals choosing to handle live spiders.  Four species of spiders are medically significant in Indiana and Ohio: 布朗的隐士。, 地中海的隐士。, 北方黑寡妇, 南方黑寡妇. 学会辨认这些蜘蛛!

推荐的捕获方法  蜘蛛可以在没有直接接触的情况下被关进容器里.  在罐子和蜘蛛下面滑动一张纸, 然后把罐子倒过来,把蜘蛛轻拍在罐子的底部.  迅速取下包装纸并用盖子密封. 这种方法可以最大限度地减少对蜘蛛的伤害.

用于捕捉蜘蛛的粘/胶陷阱: The best placement of traps is flat on the floor against a wall or other object.  Recluses tend to prefer clutter and relatively undisturbed areas (a garage, barn, basement, attic). Leave traps out for several days or even weeks, and place two or three per room for maximum control. Many traps have space to write information on them -- you can put your collecting information there. 当你拿起陷阱时,一定不要碰到蜘蛛. 它们可以在陷阱中存活数天或数周, 虽然被胶水固定住了, 它们可能还活得好好的,还会咬人. 当陷阱里满是虫子或者蜘蛛的时候, 然后你可以把它们放在一个盒子里, 衬垫,以保护样品在运输过程中, 然后寄出去.  



1. 对蜘蛛实施安乐死把蜘蛛放在外用酒精中, 或者这看起来不愉快, 把蜘蛛放在冰箱里过夜.  Remove spider from freezer, allow to thaw, place in isopropyl rubbing alcohol.

2. 保存蜘蛛: soak the spider for at least 48 hours in isopropyl rubbing alcohol or ethyl alcohol.

3. 给蜘蛛贴上标签: The most important thing is to remember to include a label INSIDE the container with the spider, 用铅笔(不是墨水)书写. 在你需要的标签上: 日期,确切地点,收藏家的名字,居住地 (你找到它的地方)

[do not attached to the outside of the container; they usually peel off.  铅笔比墨水好,因为它不溶于酒精。

3. 寄信给蜘蛛: After the spider has been soaked in alcohol, it will remain preserved for some time. Pour off the alcohol then put the moist spider and an alcohol-moist tissue or piece of paper towel in the container with the pencil label. 把这个容器放入密封的塑料袋中,以避免任何渗漏. 把蜘蛛装在一个有衬垫的信封或小盒子里邮寄. The US Post Office will NOT accept mail with flammable liquid which is why you need to pour off the liquid and ensure that no moisture leaks out of the vial.


考虑一下小塑料盖薄膜罐. 记住,你需要使用塑料,因为玻璃可能会在邮件中破裂.  The container must be waterproof and non-crushable so that the spider doesn't dry out or get squashed in the mail. 在包装的一面, 用大写字母写, 生物标本, 无商业价值.

不邮寄活蜘蛛.  美国邮政服务规定禁止邮寄活的毒蜘蛛. 




栗子街600号. S. 224

Terre Haute, IN 47809

联系信息: 布莱恩.foster@hhvp.net

为了快速响应,提供一个电子邮件地址. Spiders will be identified to family as soon as possible and you will receive a note via e-mail or postal service telling you the identity of your spider(s).

因为地中海隐士蜘蛛的存在, 提交的照片不能被识别到物种水平.  Any recluse spider from Indiana or Ohio must be examined under a microscope to separate the two species.




Be aware that doctors throughout the United States have diagnosed "布朗的隐士。 bites" as the cause of wounds in states where 布朗的隐士。 have never been collected.  Diagnosing a recluse bite merely from the presence of a wound or ulcerating sore is virtually impossible. Many medical conditions can create open sores, blisters, and dermonecrosis (literally "dying skin"). One of the more common causes of dermonecrosis is MRSA, or methicillin-resistant 金黄色葡萄球菌这是一种对普通抗生素有抗药性的细菌. 确认可能是隐遁性咬伤的诊断, the presence of the spider in the area frequented by the victim must be established. 对确定性, the spider suspected of causing the bite should be killed and brought to the doctor with the victim. 经常, 这是不可能的, 但只要有一只蜘蛛, generally there are more and it should not be difficult to capture some by placing a few sticky traps in the area.



隐士没有攻击性,在受到干扰或威胁时往往会逃跑. 当人们在没有看到蜘蛛的情况下抓住它时,就会意外地被咬伤, 或者当他们在一个隐士居住的地方穿上衣服.  Recluse prefer areas that haven't been disturbed for a long time- clothes you haven't worn in months (especially shoes and gloves), 车库和阁楼上的箱子, 柴堆, 岩石堆, 等. Keeping a few sticky traps where the wall meets the floor in the rooms you inhabit regularly will keep wandering recluses in check and make you feel more comfortable each time you see one stuck helplessly on the trap.

特别感谢博士. Donna Selman授予创建此网页的权限, 安德鲁·霍夫曼摄影, 感谢Maria Forsythe维护本网页.


Dr. 理查德·布拉德利(俄亥俄州立大学),博士. Kenneth Cramer(蒙茅斯学院,伊利诺伊州),博士. 理查德·维特(加州大学河滨分校)



